WWWBoard New Message: Message 1286: Engine runs fine in neutral but doesn't rev under load

WWWBoard: Message 1286

   Posted by Olivier on 10/28/02 at 7:09 PM

Subject:   Engine runs fine in neutral but doesn't rev under load

Message Posted

I am trying to diagnose the problem I have with my A4.
It's running fine in neutral -at least sounds fine to me-
but when I put on forward [direct drive], and I open the
throtle, the engine refuses to revv and I get not enough power
at the propeller to move the boat efficiently.
I can move the throttle back and forth with no effect on the
engine output -as if the engine could not turn the shaft
and propeller. But the shaft turns freely by hand, and I know
it is not a fouled propeller as I already had this problem,
overhauled, cleaned the prop, and had the same problem afterwards.
Things seem to get worse with time though, having less
and less power available uner load. To the point that I don't
feel comfortable leaving my slip as the slightest wind would
make the boat unmanageable dur to lack of power. Anyone has a suggestion
for the diagnosis? I appreciate your inputs! Thanks.

-- Olivier


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