In Reply to: Stuck head. posted by Carl Petersen on 10/16/00 at 6:48 AM:
Hi Carl. I see your having some difficulty getting the head off your Atomic Four. Well, I just went through this myself last week. Unfortunately there's no easy way to do this. I had the help of a VERY experienced mechanic down here in Florida who has specializes only in Atomic Four engines for many many years. Here's what he said to do. Take 2 or 3 all steel chisels and a good size hammer. Start with a thin chisel first and work along the front and then the rear of the engine. CAUTION! DO NOT USE THE CHISEL ON THE FRONT OR REAR ON THE MANIFOLD SIDE OF THE ENGINE. This is where the valves are located and you could damage to them if you hit them. This will take a lot of time to do this but eventually the head will start to come up. As you go along you can use the larger chisels to further break the seal of the gasket. Just work on the back then the front it will eventually come loose. It took me all day Saturday and most of Sunday. My mechanic told me what I'll tell you, just work slowly and be patient and once you break the seal it will come right off. My engine is in a Catalina 27 which doesn't have a hole lot of room to work on the engine. I was able to get a few short but good wacks on the altenator side of the engine but most of the work was done at the front and rear. Best of luck to you.