WWWBoard New Message: Message 1155: Using Marsolve in a fresh water system

WWWBoard: Message 1155

   Posted by Ed Larmie on 09/02/02 at 5:04 PM

Subject:   Using Marsolve in a fresh water system

Message Posted

I recently installed a fresh water system on my A-4. I got it from Moyer and it went in
fine. Before installing, I flushed the system with oxalic acid (spelling?) and a second time
with muriatic Acid. The engine runs fine and the temp is at 160 at idle or at a slow to
medium speed but, when I try to take it to 3/4 speed. it heats up to 190-195. I am
thinking about trying on more flush to see if I can get more gunk out. I have heard that
Marsolve is great for this. Does anybody have any Idea if it would hurt to put this in the
cooling system and run the engine to circulate. Would it hurt the heat exchanger or

Any ideas.


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