WWWBoard New Message: Message 1546: Atomic 4 start up

WWWBoard: Message 1546

   Posted by Steve Kaminsky on 03/02/03 at 11:27 PM

Subject:   Atomic 4 start up

Message Posted

In Reply to: Atomic 4 start up posted by Brad Clark on 03/02/03 at 9:48 AM:


Before trying to start the engine.

The first thing I would do is remove the spark plugs and put a couple of ounces of Marvel Mystery Oil in each spark plug hole. Re-install the plugs by hand only and let it sit for a week. Then change the oil.

While you're waiting for the MMO to do its trick, get rid of any old gasoline in the tank, fuel lines, and carburetor, also install a new fuel filter.

After the Mystery oil has had a chance to work its magic. Remove all the spark plugs again, and place a rag over the top of the engine, crank the engine over a few times to remove any left over MMO.

(Warning: Never turnover the engine with oil in the spark plugs holes and the spark plugs installed. Oil will not compress in the cylinder and it could possibly damage the valves.)

I would then perform a compression test. Compression should be in the 90 - 110 range...if not, probably a stuck valve.

If a valve is stuck, you can try using a screw driver to free it. Bend the end of a long thin screw driver. Using a flashlight, see if you can see the stuck valve through the spark plug hole. If so, put the bent srew driver in the spark plug hole and try to close the stuck open valve. Make sure when you're trying to close the stuck valve it's not resting on its cam lobe in the open position, otherwise you'll never be able to close it.

If the compression checks out okay, I would install brand new spark plugs, and check the distributor points for any corrosion.

You may also want to flush out the cooling system before starting. It might not be a bad idea to check the water pump as well.

Good Luck,

Steve Kaminsky

P.S. Before you do anything! Get a copy of Moyer's Atomic-4 Service and Overhaul Manual! You can visit their website at www.moyermarine.com


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